Thursday, July 25, 2013

More Sea Friends!

YES!  We have yet another SET of sea creatures to add to your collection.  Again, these cuties are sized to work with your mermaid stamps and each of the other sets.  

So I have more store samples to share with you today...  Meet our Octopus Set!  Although our octopus is the main attraction, he has some little friends that add just the perfect touch to your project.  I felt that we needed some little guys too.. they help to fill up some space and make things much cuter!

So following the same pattern as the dolphin samples, I sprayed the backgrounds using my Lindy's and embossed the acetate again using my embossing folders.  Then I added in all the sea critters from this set- the octopus, puffer fish, and starfish.

Here's a better look at everyone..

I think this is my favorite- love how the background turned out.

And here's the last one of  the bunch.

For some reason, the microbeads remind me of sand!  I guess that was the look I was going for.

OK Candy Time!  Don't forget to:
1)  leave a comment on THIS POST by 07/31/13 11:59pm HST; and
2)  tell me if you've ever gone snorkling and if you do- do you like it?  I think you probably know my answer.  Yes, I have before, but I don't really like it.  Yes, Yes, you can shake your head at me now!  I remember taking my husband (then boyfriend) to Hanauma Bay before he moved back to the big island.  Let me tell ya, I did not know that those fish would be so plentiful and so big!!  I guess they must know its a sanctuary, so there are so many fish now!  When I was young, they were much smaller and a lot less of them in the bay.  Let me tell ya, I was scared.  My husband rented snorkling gear and I declined.  I decided to ride on his back while he snorkled.  I think I thought if I didn't see them, they wouldn't freak me out as much. I was wrong.. I was still freaked out.  Haven't returned since.

OK enough about that.  Are you done laughing at me yet?!


  1. I'm not laughing at you. In fact, I onnly went snorkeling twice, and while I really enjoyed seeing some beautiful fish, I have to admit I was sscared by the big ones too!
    Your puffer fish is incredibly cute!

  2. OMG what a story!!!! NO I have NOT been snorkeling and it really doesn't even appeal to me to do so. But I love your cards for today!!! They are Beautiful using these new cuties. Whomever receives these are very Lucky!!! Have a Wonderful day!!! hugs,Heidi

  3. The octopus is so cute! Yes, I went snorkeling once; the first time I visited Oahu. I was in college & went with some friends. We hit up all the tourist sites, so of course, we went to Hanauma Bay. I didn't go out very far, but it was still amazing! Beautiful place!

  4. Thanks for sharing your snorkeling story. I have been to HI many times, but have never been snorkeling. Every time we book a vacation there I say that we will go snorkeling, but end up not going. Maybe this year will be the year we go. LOL! I love the beautiful ocean background that you created for your super cute sea creations. I'm looking forward to their release.

  5. Oh I love that octopus! How cute:) I've never been snorkeling, I would like to go one day just to see how I like it. But I don't I'd like such big fish passing by me. I'd probably react the same way you did! Lol:) On a different note I would never go in those shark tanks where they lower you down in a metal cage. Ooo, that gives me the heebie jeebies!

  6. I used to love going snorkeling, but now that I'm fat and old I get my fix by visiting aquariums! Probably a lot safer and definitely a lot less messy. :)

  7. I LOVE snorkeling so much that I would go every day if I could. My husband and I have been to Hawaii maybe 18+ times in the last 18 years. Every day we are there, we are snorkeling. We love sea life and have even gone snorkeling in water so deep that you cannot see the bottom while swarmed around black tip reef sharks. Are we crazy? I guess some may think so. :). So, I LOVE this release of stamps!

  8. oh my goodness! I love all three of these adorable sea creatures! But I think my favorite is that puffy puff fish - I love him!!! I have never gone snorkeling - I don't remember the last time I was in a bathing suit - haha!!!

  9. Awww another set of awesome cards. That watercolor sprayed backdrop is awesome! This set of stamps is pretty cute too..
    Hmmm... Snorkling.. The first time I did it was on the Big Island @ Waikaloa... First time i was up close to honu...fell in love ever since..with honu not snorkling. Lol

  10. Oh your cards are sooooo precious. I love snorkeling, problem is I can't swim very well. Remember once snorkeling in the ocean and enjoying it do much that when I stopped I found that I was way out where my husband was diving. Guess who had to have help getting back to shore.nope now I snorkel only in the shallow waters.

  11. These are really cute! Your cards are really cute you made with these new friends! No I have not done snorkeling.

  12. You were so brave to even try snorkeling. I never tried it and could not imagine being in the water with such creatures in the ocean. But love these cute stamps!

  13. Thanks for the chance to win.

    No, no snorkling for me. :)

  14. I've gone snorkeling a couple of times... but i have to say my favorite was snorkeling at the cayman island on the sandbar in the middle of the ocean looking at sting rays.

  15. I've never been snorkeling, although I've wanted to, but I don't know how to swim. =(

  16. Again lovely cards with the new stamps and embossing folders.
    I LUV snorkeling and my most wonderful spot was at the island of Curaçao in the Carribean.
